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Food Labels: Reading versus Awareness

The sixth article is entitled Food Labels: Reading versus Awareness. After you read the article you will be able to debunk the myth that prevails in the mainstream when it comes to the many artificial additives that are contained in processed and packaged foods. The current nutrition article is 350 words in total.

I Am Aware Because I Read Food Labels

This is indeed a mainstream myth. You are being misled by the fact that you understand only the amount of sugar or salt shown on a processed food label at the supermarket. Truth be known, the vast majority of the processed, packaged foods are not fit for human consumption.

What are you saying?

Reading the Fine Print

If you scan further down the label, your eyes will come across a number of items listed in fine print in paragraph style. Most of these items you will probably not be able to pronounce. These are the artificial additives that can cause adverse reactions in the GI tract, liver, and elsewhere in the body.

If you eat these artificial constructs, day-after-day, the liver becomes overloaded and will store the excess in various parts of your body. Your fat cells are one location.

Learning about the Artificial Nasties

Here are some of the artificial additives, not by name, but by functional groups:

    Flavourings, and

Reference: Please consult the booklet entitled "Food Additives: A Shopper's Guide to What's Safe & What's Not!" by Christine Hoza Farlow. D.C. In the guide, she lists over 1,000 of the most common food additives, the vast majority of which are not deemed safe for human consumption. In fact, there are actually more than 3,000 different chemicals purposefully added to our food. She just couldn't fit them all in her booklet.

If they are not safe, why are they in our food?

Eliminating the Risk with the Natural Whole Foods Way

Good question. I don't have an answer to your question. But I can say that if you do it right in terms of following the proper nutritional protocols, you won't need to read labels at all.

What do you mean not read the labels?

This is because with natural, whole foods, there are no labels to read. The natural whole foods way of eating is all about avoiding these artificial additives in the first place. And, when you don't put these potential toxins in your body, the risk associated with them is eliminated.

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For Additional Information

A. For additional information, check out the following health and nutrition e-booklets, which are now available on this site. They cover the natural, whole foods way of eating, pure water and fluids made from pure water, as well as the best of the best in terms of fortifiers to boost your nutritional status throughout the year:

Natural Whole Foods Way

The Top Five Fluids

The Ten Best Fortifiers

B. Or, if you feel you are ready for a Preventative Health Program, head over to either one of the following pages now to find out how to get started:

Permanent Weight Loss Program (if you are overweight)

Disease Prevention Program Stream 2 (if you are currently not overweight)

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