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Colon Health: 5 Steps to Live By

In the previous article entitled Disease Starts in the Colon, we found out that we are what we eat, absorb, and assimilate. It is equally true that you are what you do not eliminate.

However, if undigested food and waste products are not eliminated then they will accumulate, putrefy, feed unfriendly bacteria, and become reabsorbed into the bloodstream and back to the liver causing an overload. Every tissue and organ of the body will feel the effects of these toxic substances. This is the underlying cause of the majority of today's diseases and ill health.

The colon is our primary source of autointoxication and ill health. Having a clean, healthy colon is vital to good health.

Natural Whole Foods: Colon cleansing can be accomplished with the diet by eating natural, whole foods. Foods rich in fibre and nutrients stimulate regular elimination and the growth of friendly bacteria.

If you are consistent with your dietary approach, a natural, whole foods way of eating will do this for you.

Water: If you experience any of early warning signs associated with dehydration you need to increase your intake of water on a daily basis. Many people are dehydrated and do not know it, either because they do not drink enough water, or because they take diuretics and consume excess amounts of caffeine and/or alcohol. In a state of dehydration, sometimes our bodies mistake hunger for thirst.

In addition, water is the medium in which all biochemical reactions take place at the cellular level and is the means by which the body flushes itself of excess toxins. This fluid is required in abundance for the health of and to eliminate wastes through the kidneys and colon.

It is a good habit to consume two litres of water daily, preferably pure water. Some of this could come from herbal teas, diluted, unsweetened juices, and fruits and vegetables. However, if caffeinated or alcoholic beverages are consumed, then the amount of purified water needs to be increased accordingly.

Fibre: Many of us need to increase our daily intake of plant fibre, in the form of 100% whole grains, legumes, vegetables, fruits, seeds, and nuts. Most western diets lack sufficient fibre.

However, the human colon is convoluted in shape and works best when it is full of water and indigestible plant fibre. This insoluble fibre provides no nutrients, but instead acts like a broom to clean out the intestines.

Probiotics: Maintaining a healthy bacterial balance in the gut is one of the eight keys to healthy digestion. Probiotic supplements should be part of any annual maintenance program because they assist with bowel cleansing, immune system health, and prevent constipation.

Probiotic supplements also help with allergies, immunity, and skin health. Simply put, a proper bacterial balance in the digestive system must be present to establish a basic foundation of health.

Another excellent way to increase the beneficial bacteria in your GI tract is by eating fermented foods, such as krauts, kimchis, and kefirs. I find the three Ks are the best way to go in terms of ferments.

When is it time for a colon cleanse?

Cleansing: If you are drinking sufficient water on a daily basis, have made the necessary fibre adjustments to the diet, and added a probiotic supplement and/or fermented foods, but your constipation is still chronic or persistent, then a colon cleanse may be in order.

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For Additional Information: Beyond Colon Health

If you feel you are ready for a Detox-only Program, head over to either one of the following pages now to find out how to get started:

Regular Cleansing Program

Seasonal Drainage and Detoxification Program

Full-Body Detox Program


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