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Current Stress Article
Stress Reduction: 5 Tips You Can Follow Long Term

The current stress article in our series is posted below.

As you are probably aware, chronic stress is a silent killer. Too many stress hormones secreted in excess, day-after-day, and especially at the wrong times of the day can be devastating to the:

  • immune,
  • digestive,
  • elimination, and
  • nervous systems.
Heart disease and cancer are not far behind. You might be thinking to yourself, "I didn't realize it was that big of a problem?"

Yes, it is a huge problem with devastating results. You absolutely must jettison the stress in your life, especially prolonged stress.

Here, we have a number of stress management tips you can use for the long term. Constantly overproducing cortisol and adrenalin, day-after-day, because of ongoing stress from the following factors will lead to adrenal gland burnout, which is not a good situation.

Multitasking: No matter what some boss says to you, stop the practice. Our brains can only efficiently manage one task at a time. That is how we are designed. If someone says to you in an interview, "You need to multitask on this job," politely excuse yourself and walk out the door. Your health and happiness are far too important to be multitasking.

Lack of Sleep: You need adequate sleep for regeneration of the body during the night. Get eight hours of solid, deep, continuous, restful sleep every night. It is needed to balance your hormones, repair your body, and relieve the stress that has been building-up during the day.

Too Much Coffee: Coffee is another stimulant that only adds more anxiety fuel to a body that is already stressed out from too much secretion of adrenalin and cortisol.

Skipping Meals, Excessive Calorie Restriction, Low Carbohydrate Intake: If your adrenals are overactive, the natural, whole foods way of eating will provide the specific nutrients you need to decrease cortisol and recuperate yourself. Especially important for the adrenal glands are vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B-5, vitamin B-6, and trace minerals.

Excess Cortisol Supplement Options: Also, you will need extra supplements to restore your adrenal gland function. As mentioned above, especially important for the adrenal glands are vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B-5, vitamin B-6, and trace minerals. Consult with an holistic nutritionist in your area who is familiar with supplementation for stress reduction.

Put the above stress reduction tips to use over the long haul. Since your health is at stake, the idea is to learn how to reduce and then eliminate the stress on a permanent basis. That concludes the current stress article.

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For Additional Information

You can find more stress reduction techniques, protocols, tips, and advice in the following e-book: Stress Reduction Handbook

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